It is called the most beautiful building in the world, and it's true, it is quite beautiful. but, I think what makes it even more beautiful is the story behind it. The Taj Mahal which literally means "crown palace" was built by the king of India after his wife died in childbirth. It took 22 years, 40 million rupees and was made out of marble and precious gems donated from different countries around the world. As it accounts for 75% of tourism in one of the most polluted countries in the world these non-polluting, battery-powered vehicles are used to arrive at its gates.

Upon entering it is quite overwhelming by the masses of people that are all there to view the same thing. These was my first glimpse:

The Taj Mahal is supposed to represent beauty and balance and it is completely symmetrical, the only thing that isn't is the mausoleum, the only thing inside the building where the queen's grave resides, symmetrically placed in the exact middle of the building. the king's grave was added later when he died, and is the only unbalanced part of it. Taking photographs of the inside was prohibited but entering it was quite overwhelming, seeing a husband and wife buried next to each other. The husband had obviously died an unhappy man after he had built such an amazing structure for his wife. Call him crazy, or eccentric, or romantic. Who knows, but there is definitely a feeling of love that emanates from the entire grounds of the Taj Mahal. Especially has the gems that decorate it shine and glimmer at sunset, like little stars from all over the universe. I was in awe, despite the crowdedness, the touristy-ness of it all, I was in awe of such an act of love. I keep thinking about what Ben said to me: amber, perhaps the book and the foundation are your Taj Mahal for Fede. Perhaps.

My pictures don't give it justice so I only included a couple--it is an incentive for all of you to visit it someday.
What does this look like???

There is something very stunning about it, I agree. What a nice experience and totally alien. Miss you, sis and you look great!